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April 9, 2012
Town of Princeton, MA
April 9, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM in the Annex.  Present were, Edith Morgan, Stan Moss and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.  Chairman Raymond Dennehy was absent.

FY12 Warrant #21
The Board reviewed and signed the payroll and vendor warrants from the Treasurer and Accountant.  Stan noted there is a vendor warrant payable to him and with Raymond   absent, he invokes the Rule of Necessity to sign the warrant.

March 26, 2012 - Regular Meeting - Stan moved to approve the minutes of March 26, 2012. Edie seconded. All in favor (2-0).

Scheduled Meetings & Hearings
Deb Cary- Wachusett Meadow
Edie reported that Deb received the Telegram and Gazette Vision Award for Public Service for her work at the Mass Audubon.  The board presented Deb with a certificate of recognition for her work in protecting natural resources.
Representative Ferguson congratulated Deb for receiving the Vision Award and presented her with a certificate from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in recognition of the receipt of the Vision Award and for her work with the Mass Audubon Broad Meadow Brook Wildlife Sanctuary and Conservation Center. The certificate was signed by Speaker of House Robert DeLeo. Deb was pleased and thanked everyone for their encouragement.

Public Hearing Shade Tree Removal
Stan moved to open the Tree Hearing at 5:38 PM. Edie seconded. All in favor (2-0).
Edie read the Notice of Public Hearing as posted by Tree Warden Joe Lee.
Steve Stimson, 71 Gates Rd read a letter objecting to the removal of the trees. Steve is a Landscape Architect and offered to assist the Highway with drainage ideas to preserve some of the trees. Stan explained that the board walked the site with the Highway Superintendent and Tree Warden and marked some trees with an “S” to try to save them if possible.
Stan moved to authorize the conditional removal of the 16 trees posted on Greene Rd and effort be made to preserve any tree previously marked with “S”.  Stan amended the motion to add other trees that may be reasonably saved during construction process. Edie seconded All in favor (2-0).  The hearing closed at 5:54 pm.

Library Director Wendy Pape FY13 Budget
Library Director Wendy Pape reported that Library use is on the rise for programs, activities and various electronic books and games.
She is requesting a $500 increase in the budget for the purchase of audio books and a $3 increase in the office supply line item. The board will take it under advisement.
The board thanked the trustees and friends for their ongoing work and thanked Wendy for her continued dedication to the Library.

Fire Chief Cobb- Fire Fighter Leave of Absence
Chief Cobb informed the board that Fire Fighter Zachary Algarin is leaving to join the US Marines. Tim Kelley presented a certificate of appreciation on behalf of the Fire Department to Zack for his dedication and service to the Town. Several members of the department were present. The board thanked Zach for his dedicated service.

Old Business
Thomas Prince School Green Repair Project
John reported that roof work is substantially complete. Potential leaks by library and area with louvers are being worked on.

Thomas Prince School PCB Project
John reported that air quality tests show favorable results in all affected rooms. The areas with surface swipes need to be examined. A report will be submitted to the EPA.

FY13 Budget Review
John reviewed the revised budget documents which include the additional budget requests, 2% non-union salary increase, and negotiated salary line for dispatchers. John may propose to increase the reserve fund amount to cover potential increase in energy. The final draft of the warrant may be ready to sign on April 23.
Stan noted a minor repair was done on the pump #5 and at this time it appears to be working. In the event the repair does not last, Stan would like to consider putting $35,000 in the reserve fund if it becomes necessary to rebuild. John will research.
Stan proposed keeping the 2% salary increase for planning and allocate and additional 1% for individual salaries that may be adjusted per the wage study. Stan moved that the board propose a 2% increase for non-union personnel and an additional 1% be allocated for individual compensation pursuant to the outcome of the wage study. Edie seconded. All in favor (2-0).

Review Draft ATM Warrant
John reported the special article requests for defibrillators and a command vehicle were removed from the draft. The amount of funding requested for improvements to fire ponds has been reduced and spread over five years.
The town has been assessed by the district for transportation costs for busing grades 3, 4, and 5 from Thomas Prince to Glenwood School in Rutland. The cost amounts to approximately $100,000 to be funded through the stabilization account.  

New Business
Re-appoint Rosemary Fudeman to Board of Registrars
Stan moved to appoint Rosemary Fudeman to Board of Registrars for a term to expire on March 15, 2015.  Edie seconded. All in favor (2-0).

Cemetery Deeds
Stan moved that the Selectmen sell cemetery deeds with the following language:
  • To Susan Mayer and Hal Melanson of 5 Hubbardston Rd and their heirs, one cremation lot in North Cemetery known as Lot 61B
  • To Kelton & Elizabeth Burbank, 67 Westminster Rd., and their heirs, one cremation lot in North Cemetery known as Lot 61H
  • To Todd Stolberg, 6 Clearings Way,  and his heirs a one body lot in North Cemetery known as Lot 71A, space 2
  • To James and Jessica Hart, 7 Radford Rd., and their heirs, one full cremation lot in North Cemetery known as Lot 71B, space 1
  • To repurchase from James Hart, 7 Radford Rd and his heirs a two body lot in Woodlawn Cemetery, 1986 extension, known as Lot 21A, spaces c & d
Edie seconded. All in favor (2-0).

Other Business
Stan noted the Fire Chief wants to officially swear in the Chaplain and also, officers would like to be re-sworn in to reaffirm their commitment to the Town. Edie commends them for their commitment and is looking forward to attending the ceremony.

Public Comment

Executive Session
At 6:47 pm Stan moved to enter into Executive Session pursuant to MGL Chapter 30, Section 21(3), to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining and to not to reconvene into open session Edie seconded.  All were in favor by roll call, Edie yes; Stan; yes.
Edie advised that the board will now enter into executive session for the purpose of discussing strategy with respect to collective bargaining since an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the Town. The board will not reconvene in open session.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Assistant

Referenced Documents: FY13 Budget Material & Public Hearing Shade Tree Removal